驻村工作队员发言材料3篇驻村工作队员发言材料 驻村工作队工作交流发言材料(Workinthevillageteamexchangespeechmaterials) 驻村工作队工作交下面是小编为大家整理的驻村工作队员发言材料3篇,供大家参考。
工作队工作交流发言材料(Work in the village team exchange speech materials)驻村工作队工作交流发言材料(Work in the village team exchange speech materials)
6 residency work team work communication speech material -- pragmatic work diligently and carry out the "strong base Huimin work
In accordance with the unified Autonomous Region Party committee, government and prefectural administrative office arrangements, XX board in XX village team line of three people in October 18th to arrive at the village of XX, began a one-year "strong base Huimin activities" in the village work, work, work team members, actively visited cadres and the masses, through reporting, seminars, visits, investigation, investigation, condolences etc., seriously, to carry out the work of the village. The basic situation of XX village, XX village is located in the Nu River basin, located in the northwest of XX XX County, from the county town 300 kilometers, 3130 meters above sea level, mild climate, belonging to the semi village; the village has 33 households of 249 people, 34 students, 20 members, and 34 people, 8 people with disabilities; the total cultivated area 517.7 acres; farmers per capita net income of 2550 yuan. The overall situation is: there is a relatively large population, less land, livestock, handicraft industry and enterprises basically no lagging economic and social development; no electricity, poor traffic conditions (transport mainly by tractors and motorcycles), drinking water difficulties (the village drinking water, production water on spring water diversion canal meet). The per capita annual household income is low; most people can basically solve the problem of food and clothing (food production, migrant workers),
few people lived in poverty, by Party committees and governments at all levels to maintain relief. Two, the main practice team line in the village, and the township party committee and government leadership forum, listen to the report, the village committee team held a meeting with the village Party branch, village meeting house visited the village, on-site investigation and comprehensive research work, quickly carry out related work. (1) active discussion and active reporting. To do a good job with the XX Township Party committee, the government and the village committee cohesion, communication and coordination, team work with the township party committee and government leaders forum, reporting team, understand the situation, the economic development situation of village XX, product characteristics, production and life of the villagers and other basic conditions, at the same time, the next step in the village work ideas and the method of work and the township party committee and government responsible for the exchange of views. (two) held a meeting to listen to the village Party branch, village committee team report. In order to support each other, work with concerted efforts to promote the village work carried out in an orderly manner, the work team and the village committee cadres discussion, listen to their ideas of XX village economic development and put forward opinions and suggestions. (three) convening the villagers" Congress to find out the truth at the grassroots level. The organization held a meeting of villager representatives, solicit the opinions of the masses, listen carefully to the masses, the masses understand the practical difficulties of the masses of the required, anxious, think and hope were collated, were eager to answer the difficult and hot issues of concern to the masses, always adhere to the idea of respect for the masses, emotionally
close to the masses, relying on the masses of work, people really do "intimate", "people really become close friends". The General Assembly collected 109 practical difficulties for the masses. (four) to door visits, grasp the real data. Depth of 33 households, one by one to carry out visits to each household, family, life and production, farmland planting, livestock feed, housing relocation, income, employment, medical school children conducted a comprehensive investigation, careful verification and registration, and asked in detail about the difficulty of living and future plans are. A detailed, true understanding of the basic situation of the villagers, have first-hand information. (five) field environmental investigation and understanding of resource advantages. In order to understand the situation and grasp the village of XX resources, the work team in the township party secretary for Gaya, a Dorje and Township Village branch secretary, village committee director Rob Ciugene accompanied by the village land, roads, water, electricity, lots of debris flow observation on Germany, Qu River spring bar the water source of the investigation, found that the XX village is rich in water resources and climate suitable for growing fruit and vegetables and raising chickens, pigs and poultry advantage. (six) strengthen publicity and create a working atmosphere. During the stay in village,
Focus on learning work team is also the publicity, and actively publicize the party"s principles and policies, and vigorously promote the party"s Congress, the Fifth Central Working Conference on Tibet, the autonomous region "NPC and CPPCC", prefectural Party committee (enlarged) conference and the autonomous region of the Eighth Party Congress spirit,
highlighting the central work in Tibet on the guiding ideology and the party Huimin policy, so that the people really understand you come from where, Hui, constantly enhance the party"s appeal, the centripetal force and cohesion of the Chinese nation, creating a strong atmosphere for work activities. (seven) investigate thoroughly and sort out the train of thought. Use nearly a month on XX village, economic development and social stability, education, health and other aspects of in-depth research, and find out the basic situation of the village of XX, found the existing problems and puts forward some suggestions and opinions, sort out the thoughts of economic development to promote economic development and to promote the village the villagers to get rich, which is a good foundation to carry out further work in the village. (eight) example, people grief. During the investigation, when the villagers learned off food, housing relocation funds shortage and other practical difficulties, the team out of pocket 2000 yuan, visit condolences to the life is very difficult and the low household eighty years old, said a little something in the village cadres, solve a part of the poor masses as pressing danger. (nine) collective discussion, research and implementation. In order to study and discuss the way of collective democracy, organize the implementation of the village committee cadres 100 thousand yuan for non-governmental funds were discussed, formulated the "in XX village team XX Bureau for the tangible things plan", made clear to carry out condolences activities (the "big three" festival, the old party members, five households, poor households eighty years old, students), to solve the mass production of real life difficulties (buy cattle, buy Mattress cotton, buy hydroelectric generator, housing demolition, helping) help the
masses to solve difficult work to implement, follow the principle of the use of funds for the tangible things, combined with the actual situation of the village of XX, reflects the open, democratic, provides a strong guarantee for the implementation of the specific work for the tangible things next. (ten) to carry out the work in the village in a solid and orderly manner, and report the progress of work in a timely and accurate manner. Take "working plan, the implementation of work responsibilities, regularly check progress, serious discussion methods", solid and orderly conduct of each village work tasks, and to the briefing, a special report in the form of timely reporting work, work arrangements in place, orderly and timely report. Three, work experience (1) "unity of thinking, raise awareness" is the basic work of doing well in the village. To fully understand the significance of the "strong base Huimin activities", consciously thinking and action to the district Party committee, government and Prefectural Administrative Office of the decision-making arrangements, and enhance their sense of political responsibility and historical mission. (two) "changing roles and integrating into the grass roots" is the prerequisite for doing well in village work. To be modest and prudent, studious spirit, whether they are leaders of the unit or the clerk, now is the village cadres, to identify the location, unassuming, bent down, do solid work, students, designers, advocates, researcher and service staff, to truly integrate into the village cadres, really into the crowd, really into the base. (three) "clear responsibilities and active work" is the way to do well in village work. Always follow the Secretary Chen Quanguo put forward the "five clear" requirements, clear their responsibilities in the village, and take the responsibility
to work, to go with feeling, insist on learning by doing, middle school, heart lake, as the initiative. (four) good coordination and seeking joint efforts are the support for the work in the village. "Strong base Huimin work is a systematic project, involving many departments, work must be done such as farming, transportation, water conservancy, communications and other relevant departments to contact, coordination, cooperation and support for the relevant departments. (five) "thorough investigation and research, mastering the facts" is a breakthrough in the work of staying in the village. Chairman Mao said: "without investigation, there is no right to speak."",
There is no doubt about the extreme importance of this clear investigation. If you do not go to research, just to see some text materials submitted by the specious writing is the truth, not to understand and grasp the things. As a Task Force stationed in the village, it is necessary to do practical research, investigation and research must be carried out, the investigation must be in-depth, in order to master the real situation, in order to suit the remedy to ...
我是遵义市司法局的一名干部,根据省、市、区的安排,今年有幸成为一名同步小康驻村工作组成员,2 月 28 日,与工作组其它 4名同志进驻长征镇坪丰村,担任工作组组长。驻村工作开展以来,工作组认真贯彻落实省、市、区同步小康驻村工作精神,本着精诚协作、密切配合、共促发展、同奔小康的原则,充分发挥驻村工作组的职能作用,积极主动协助配合村两委开展工作,促进全村经济社会又好又快发展。现将近期驻村工作汇报如下:
坪丰村地处遵义市两城区东北,相邻遵义火车站、遵义长途汽车客运总站,贵遵高等级公路东联线贯穿全村,历来就有“旱码头”的称号,是典型的城郊结合部。辖区总面积 2.5 平方公里,下辖 7 个村(居)民组,总户数 1996 户,4737 人,暂住流动人口 11000 余户,40000余人。村党委下属 8 个党支部、17 个党小组,共有党员 129 名。
坪丰村经济发展的主导产业是第三产业,经营了酒店、商贸、农产品、汽车配件等批发市场和天龙山公墓服务部等产业,市场营销网络辐射黔北十五个市区和湘、渝等周边省市。全村 xx 年总产值达到
3 亿余元,村集体经济及固定资产积累 6000 多万元,农民人均纯收入达 13000 多元。
坪丰村驻村工作组 2 月 28 日驻村,驻村后:一是工作组立即召开工作会议,邀请村党委书记、村主任参加会议,认真学习省、市、区,今年同步小康驻村工作精神,明确今年驻村工作指导思想。二是结合驻村干部派出单位职能,明确驻村干部驻村工作职责分工,最大限度发挥派驻单位和驻村干部的积极作用。并及时向群众公示驻村干部信息,将驻村干部姓名、单位、联系电话等印成宣传单发给群众。还制作驻村工作宣传专栏,广泛宣传驻村工作组工作职责、工作方法、工作成果等。三是认真调查研究,理清工作思路。通过与村两委干部沟通、村工作人员交谈,走访群众等方式,深入调查研究,在全面了解村情民意的基础上,组织召开了村两委座谈会,深入细致分析坪丰村目前的发展状况,查找影响和制约村发展的突出问题,找准发展切入点,理清发展思路,制定了坪丰村发展规划。工作组根据坪丰村发展规化,结合实际情况,及时制定了坪丰村驻村工作组 xx 年工作计划及工作组成员工作计划,明确了全年驻村工作目标任务,并将目标任务细化到人,责任到人。
压力大。基于这一特殊的村情,驻村工作组及时调整工作思路,把工作的重心放在化解矛盾纠纷,维护社会稳定上。一是开展有针对性的法制宣传系列活动。驻村工作组结合坪丰村矛盾纠纷较为集中的征地折迁、安置补偿、劳动用工、婚姻家庭等方面问题,组织开展有针对性的订单式法制宣传系列活动。3 月 8 日,工作组也邀请了贵州遵义名城律师事务所律师在村举办了婚姻家庭、劳动用工法制宣传教育专题讲座,其它法制专题讲座也将适时组织开展。二是积极主动协助参与信访维稳工作。今年 3 月,在中央“两会”期间,驻村工作组与村两委,认真组织开展矛盾纠纷排查,对排查出的矛盾纠纷进行登记造册,建立矛盾纠纷动态管理机制,做到情况清、底数明。针对排查出的长期缠纺、闹纺的重点对象,通过建立包保责任制,做深入细致的思想工作,采取具体有效的稳控措施,确保了两会期间全村没有发生越级上访。驻村工作组还积极参与侨丰房产地公司与坪丰村村民还房安置群体性纠纷的协调处理,该纠纷因侨丰房地产公司未按安置协议按期还房,按时支付安置过渡费等原因引起,纠纷涉及 3 个村民组,100 余户村民。驻村工作组同志与村两委干部和村组干部多次与村民座谈,耐心细致倾听村民诉求,积极做好村民的思想工作,引导村民通过正当程序维护自身合法权益,防止发生群体性事件。东联线公路改造,途经坪丰村辖区有 1.6 公里,涉及 4 个村民组。驻村工作组积极配合村两委向群众宣传各级党委、政府关于公路改造的有关精神和政策,耐心向群众解释土地征用、拆迁安置补偿标准等问题,为改造工作的顺利推进营造良好社会环境。三是协助调查处理信访案件。柏
驻村工作开展以来,我们始终把“为群众排忧解难,为群众办实事好事”作为驻村工作的核心,经常深入村组走访,通过走访了解群众生产生活困难:如 4 月份,在走访中发现,堰塘湾村民组养猪大户杨芝琴家的猪,最近出现不明原因病死的情况。驻村工作组及时将情况反馈给长征镇农业服务中心。服务中心的同志立即到杨芝琴家中去了解情况,并根据出现的状况提出治疗建议和预防传染的措施,现她家病猪也全疫,未造成疫情。堰塘湾低保户杨之强家,夫妻劳动力弱,两孩子尚在读书,家庭困难,居住条件差,居住的两间房屋也多处裂痕,阴暗潮湿,经向镇城管办反映,也将他家列入今年危房改造计划,驻村工作组正在计划为其筹集房屋改造所缺资金。堰塘湾孤儿,从小就双目失明的一级盲残王洪,今年 19 岁,从遵义特殊教育学校毕业,无业。驻村工作组与坪丰村干部积极与市残联协调,将其特殊情况向
市残联汇报,在市残联的帮助下,将王洪纳入扶持计划,为其争取到贵阳肓人按摩学校大专班学习培训考试机会。“六?一”儿童节,我所在的单位遵义市司法局,对坪丰辖区 10 名品学兼优、家庭困难的儿童进行了慰问,为每个儿童送去慰问金 200 元。遵义市司法局机关第二党支部也与坪丰村干劲组党支部结为帮扶对子,11 名局机关干部与也将与坪丰村 11 户困难群众结成帮扶对子,进行一对一的帮扶。
3 月 8 日坪丰村召开了党的群众路线教育实践活动启动大会,驻村工作组党小组党员参加了启动大会。启动会后,驻村工作组积极指导村党委按照要求,严格程序、认认真真开展党的群众路线教育实践活动,驻村工作组党员全程参与群众路线教育实践活动学习、讨论、征求意见等各个环节。4 月 19 日,驻村工作组还与村两委邀请了市委党校尹瑞华教授,为全体党员作了题为《开展党的群众路线教育活动夯实党的群众基础》专题讲座,进一步理清了开展党的群众路线教育实践活动的思路。5 月 11 日,驻村工作组组织开展了坪丰村“明礼知耻?崇德向善”主题实践活动讲座,我从分析社会道德沦丧给社会造成的严重危害入手,讲解了社会道德的重要意义,引导全体党员同志要学雷锋、学道德模范,树立以“仁、义、诚、敬、孝”为礼,以“懒、贪、奢、浮、愚”为耻的正确的道德观念,在全村形成我为人人、人人为我的良好人际关系和积极向上的精神风貌。
立卡等工作,以及村“四在农家?美丽乡村”规化设计工作等,积极推进了全村的发展。今年 4 月,坪丰村荣获了“第二届全国社区社会建设自主创新百花奖”金奖。
一是厅党组高度重视挂帮工作。唐德智秘书长多次召集有关部门和人员开会,研究本年度挂帮工作计划和思路,提出具体工作要求,厅党组抽调 6 名年富力强的同志(其中一名博士研究生)组成工作队驻村。二是建立健全帮扶工作机制。驻村工作队立足基层实际,建立“项目推动、造血强基”的长效帮扶机制,使帮扶工作制度化、科学化。三是严格管理队伍。驻村工作队严格纪律,加强管理,制定了考
勤制度、台账管理等制度,对每个队员的工作任务进行细化,严格请销假,工作队 6 名干部真蹲实驻,半年来,队员驻村时间总计达 112天。
“涉浅滩者得鱼虾,入深水者得蛟龙”。工作队采取多种方式深入农村生产一线听民意、察民情、解民忧。一是召开党员、村民小组和村民代表会议,认真听取群众对发展致富的意见和建议,共召开各种座谈会(场院会)16 次,发放调查问卷 350 份;二是进村入户,深入田间地头、庄户场院和群众促膝谈心,实地走访群众 760 余户,记录民情日记 200 余篇,实地体察民生疾苦,了解其生产生活情况、摸清急需解决的困难和问题;三是与乡党政领导班子成员集体座谈,针对乡党委政府对全乡的发展规划梳理最急需解决的突出问题,制定了《同步小康驻村工作方案》,提出了驻村工作的 5 个着力点,为迅速打开工作局面奠定基础。
实施产业帮扶是早日实现同步小康的关键所在。驻村工作队一是强力推进精准扶贫。工作队配合乡政府抓好精准识别工作,指导帮助贫困村大力发展特色产业,协调扶贫资金 500 余万元用于完善基础设施。二是全力实施帮扶项目。工作队协助大风洞乡申报各类项目 5 大类 62 项,争取省发改委、省交通厅等部门大力支持,从资金、技术、市场信息等方面实施帮扶,目前项目资金已到位 1400 万元。三是大力实施科技帮扶。驻村工作队积极联系贵州大学农业专家到大风洞乡
开展科技帮扶,指导蔬菜种植大户发展高效农业;积极促成贵州大学与大风洞乡签订校地共建现代农业产业合作项目协议,投入 100 万元助推大风洞乡农业产业化发展;此外,贵州大学专家为驻地农民开展科技帮扶及培训,共帮扶 78 人次,举行培训会 3 场,发放资料 1500份,听众 2500 人次。
“思路决定出路”,驻村工作队大胆创新载体,为驻村工作提质增效提注入强大动力。一是推出“微型党课随我行”活动。驻村工作队在驻点村推出“微型党课随我行”活动,队员把微型党课送到田间地头、农家场院,受到基层群众广泛欢迎。半年来,驻村工作队共上微型党课 19 次(场),听众达 3000 余人,中组部网站、《贵州日报》、先锋网予以报道,并受到上级部门的肯定。二是提升基层机关效能。驻村工作队按照厅党组要求,将我厅第一批教育实践活动成果有机延伸到基层,探索建立乡村干部工作台账式管理制度;实行“服务承诺制”、“责任追究制”,帮助乡党政机关促进效能建设,提高服务群众能力。三是抓好群众教育实践活动。驻村工作队针对农民群众反映强烈的突出问题,开展了一系列“惠民生、聚民心”活动,如:打造“省政府办公厅·爱心圆梦大学”工程,对大风洞乡考上大学的贫困高中生开展一对一帮扶;组织省政府办公厅干部职工为高雪等 8 名贫困女童开展募捐活动,共捐资 3.5 万元等。
和田地区国税局机关的其拉力克村“访惠聚”驻村点,距离和田市 105 公里,该村有 5 个村民小组、登记户数 151 户共计 646 口人,全部为维吾尔族,仅清真寺就有 3 座,宗教氛围浓厚,蒙面、留大胡须现象普存在。全村没有一所学校,现有学龄儿童 159 人,均在距离本村 3 公里的托甫恰村学校入学;劳教释放人员较多,重点管控户数5 户;该村主要从事种植业、养殖业,以种农产品和养殖羊、驴、牛等家畜为主要收入,饲草资源丰富,是山东东阿阿胶有限公司小规模养驴示范村;现有耕地 2145 亩,其中林果 500 亩(枣和葡萄)、粮食600 亩(主要为小麦和玉米),棉花 600 亩,其他 500 亩。xx 年村人均收入 4636 元,该村为扶贫重点村,贫困户 21 户、五保户 9 户;该村无集体经济收入,缺干部、缺资金。
帮扶工作队队长精准扶贫工作汇报发言材料我叫 XX,XX 县 XX 局 XXX,XX 年 X 月下派到 XX 镇 XX 村人第一书记,2017 年 X 月 X 日转任帮扶工作队队长,从事扶贫工作。本人在 XX 镇镇党委、政府的领导下,在 XX 村双委会成员的支持下,心系贫困群众,用心帮扶贫困群众,把党的温暖送到贫困群众心上。
在精准扶贫工作中,我深刻体会到要打赢脱贫攻坚战,必须做到以下几点:一是精准识别是前提。积极配合 XX 村双委会在公正、公开、公平的原则下,按时按质全面精准完成贫困对象识别确认和建档立卡工作,并实行动态管理。二是精准帮扶是基础。在精准识别扶贫对象的前提下,就要真正走进农户家中,进一步了解贫困农户致贫的原因是什么,是自然条件太恶劣,还是发展产业条件不够?是缺生产
一是精准识别得到坚强,通过九种情况鉴定、数据清洗,使 XX村精准识别做到了户有卡、村有册,程序合法、档案齐全,为我镇精准扶贫工作有序开展打下了坚实的基础。
二是扶贫进展顺利,在党委政府的领导下,本人和其他人员的共同努力下,XX 村扶贫工作开展有声有色,道路得到了硬化,水、电入户率 100%,环境卫生显著改善,贫困人口收入明显提高,医疗保险、义务教育等全覆盖。